Today I will show you how you can decrease the number of no-shows or cancellations for your strategy or clarity calls. A lot of coaching and consulting businesses start by offering free consultations and discovery calls. It's a great way to get the first customers in....
Want More Clients, Profit and Freedom?
Flip your thinking! And get clients with ease.
One of the main things #FearlessFounders focus on is the human as the centre of business. This includes flipping your thinking and questioning the following:1. What influences purchasing decisions and brand psychology?2. Traditional vs. flexible working hours - what...
Free Knowledge or An Online Course?
A friend recently asked me a few questions:Why would I pay for something in a course or a program form if I can find it all online? Why do people pay money for something that they can find for free?I also heard them from a few of my past clients and saw them in online...
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